Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Im'ma HELLO KITTY fan ♥

i looovvveeee HELLO KITTY.
 they're so adorable and sweet. don't u think so???

i wan everything to be HELLO KITTY.
my room, my future house, my car, etc. etc. 
here's how my toilet should look like :)
HELLO KITTY shower. adorable much?? :) :) 
HELLO KITTY cosmetics! where can i find them???

 this is my fav!!!
HELLO KITTY slippers
 cool huh????

my 2nd fav!!
HELLO KITTY pink bag

they even have HELLO KITTY panty :D
i wan one of tis!!
HELLO KITTY speakers :D

every club or pub must have tis on Ladies Night!! 
must taste AWESOME!

if everyone have this, MAYBANK, BSN, PUBLIC BANK etc. will bankrupt!

On my birthday, i wish to have these cakes
i know it's made up of probably 99% ice-ing.
too sweeeetttt~
gonna get DIABETES after eating this. 
who cares??.
it's enough to make my day :D 

 i love this the most
looks so sweet~


HELLO KITTY stuff are loved by many girls.
YEA :) :) :) :)
HELLO KITTY rocks!!!! 
if only they were sold more cheaper.
i would buy all of them.
i hope one day Najib will say
: Saya mengumumkan bahawa dalam masa satu hari ini semua benda di dunia adalah PERCUMA!!
the first thing i would grab would be HELLO KITTY!!
followed by iphone, shoes, clothes, bags, etc.etc 
lolz xD
lets pray that will happen one day
:D :D :D :D :D 

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